Category: Mobile Messaging

Banking sector is one industry that has never lost its value and will never lose its value, which is the reason why it can be considered as an evergreen sector. Though there have been many changes done, when it comes to operating the banking sector, as a common example to cite is the inclusion of technologies, but still the core functioning such as sash withdrawals, cash deposits, cheque deposits, demand draft etc., will remain the same.

Mobile messaging has been highly successful when it comes to linking bank customers with their respective banks. Customers can get all the updated and relevant bank related information in the form of text messages. Banks worldwide have been and will be using the medium of mobile messaging to its full extent and thereby strengthen the relationship with their esteemed customers. To top upon that, according to a leading research firms, almost half of the millennials have shown keen interest in receiving SMS alerts from banks.

Why the inclusion of Mobile messaging in banks will always be of value?

1. Accessing your bank account information: At any point of time, if you want to know how much balance is there in your bank account, or say of you have deposited cash (or) cheque in your bank account and want to know whether it has been added to your bank account, you can easily check your account status with the help of mobile messaging. You have to just text the right short code and other relevant details, and within a short amount of time, you will receive all the bank details that you wanted in the form of a text message.

2. Bank Notifications: In certain scenarios, banks notify their customers on aspects such as additional documents required for updating and maintaining bank customer’s bank account, last date to inform the bank as to whether customer wants to roll out their fixed deposit for the next consecutive year etc. Banks might even notify about certain promotional service for which a customer has shown keen interest in.

3. Fraud Alerts: There might be an instance wherein fraudsters pose as your bank representatives, and so will try to extract sensitive information from you. In this situation, Banks as soon as they get the news about the ongoing fraud, will text alert all their customers about the ongoing fraud, and how they can be aware and stop themselves being caught in this web of deceit.

4. Bank updates: Certain banks might come up with a few new rules and regulations or there might be certain changes that have been made to different areas of banking. In such case, banks can take the initiative of sending text messages to all their customers updating them about the changes and how they can carry out further banking procedures.

5. Customer Service: As bank customers already provide their phone number when they open their account, hence to serve customers well, banks send SMS when a customer has any sort of query. For suppose, if the customer wants to know whether they have a branch at the place where they reside or they might want to know their bank balance etc.

To summarize, Mobile messaging can act as a communication as well as marketing tool for banks, thereby refining various functions of the banks.

The Health and Fitness industry is slowly and steadily creating a huge market place for itself around the globe. As of today, more and more people are becoming health conscious and hence are daily investing some amount of time in fitness centers, most commonly known as gyms, health clubs and aerobic centers. Keeping the above things into perspective, there is no doubt that the health and fitness domain are eventually making it big, in terms of earning revenues. In certain urban cities, there are personal fitness trainers available, who charge a mind blowing fee, and people are ready to shell out the money.

Fitness centers are steadily using the medium of mobile messaging, and through this traditional platform are trying to reach out to a massive number of customers. A real-time case scenario will help you understand how well the outcome can be with the effective use of mobile messaging. There was a health club in a metropolitan city. Though this club had all the facilities available in line with health and fitness, the number of customers who’ve registered were way too less. A leading mobile messaging company approached the health club and asked them to give mobile messaging a try. The owner of the health club agreed. Localities of that particular city were targeted and messages with free registration and free trial membership as text were sent. The response was huge, and so the customers wanted to join this particular health club.

How can Fitness centers get the maximum out of Mobile messaging?

1. Send workout schedules: You can send text messages informing your existing and new customers about the upcoming workout schedule date, and also tell a little bit about the new coach. This might create interest in customers and they might want to show up.

2. Timely Updates: SMS alerts can be sent to customers in case of a Zumba instructor (or) fitness coach being late for that day (or) might be taking a leave for some reason. This will help build trust between the fitness center and the customers.

3. Health and fitness tips: Providing health tips in the form of text to your customer base is a great way to build relationship and also engage your customers. Customers will not only be able to gain knowledge, but would also be happy with the fitness center’s efforts. Similarly, motivational text could also be sent to customers, so that it sorts of pushes them mentally to come and do a workout at the gym. According to a study conducted by Daily Mail, most of the customers who take the membership for gym, doesn’t visit the gym after a few months. This has resulted to a wastage of around 37 million pounds per year of the total membership amount.

4. Promoting new offers (or) services (or) both: If your fitness center is coming out with some new offers or services for the benefit of customers, It would be great to use mobile messaging in order to let your existing and new customers know about the new services. For example, if a customer registers himself for a membership at XYZ fitness center before such and such date, they would outright get 50% discount plus certain services would be offered for free of cost for the next six months.

5. Reminders: Timely reminders regarding fee due dates can be sent to those customers who have not yet paid some (or) full amount of the membership fee. Also, reminders can also be sent in scenarios where a customer’s membership is going to expire, and if they want to continue with the fitness center then they have to renew their membership.

There are many Nonprofit organizations globally that are working tirelessly and committedly to fulfill a particular social cause. To further improve their charitable services, promote themselves and expand their reach, the medium of mobile messaging can act as a stepping stone for improved communications and promotional activities. As nonprofit organizations are not profit driven, it becomes obvious that text messaging as their promotional tool can be highly beneficial for them, as it is cost-effective.

With the proper use of mobile messaging, nonprofit organizations can send texts to targeted fundraisers, asking for donations. In some scenarios, there might be an immediate need for a huge number of volunteers, and so the concerned internal staff can send bulk SMS to people who might be interested to work as volunteers. Texts can also be send to those donors who have shown interest in charitable causes, and hence ask them for donations for an immediate cause that need to be addressed.

Charitable organizations not only want to stay connected with their members, but also want to stay in touch with other communities who have similar interests. This requires an effective communication tool, which can be used time and again without any hassle whatsoever. Hence mobile messaging being an effective and secure tool for communication, can be easily used by these charitable organizations.

How Mobile messaging can aid nonprofit organizations?

1. Raising funds: Any charitable organization would be really happy if donors come forward and donate for their charitable causes. Text-to-give campaign is a kind of mobile messaging tactic, wherein bulk SMS is sent solely for the purpose of raising funds. For example, if you’re interested to donate $50 you can text “amount (50$), your name, organization name (name of the nonprofit organization to whom you are donating)” and then send it to 44555.

2. Conducting Surveys: There are many nonprofit organizations who work for different social causes. In some instances, an organization would be more interested to first get the opinion from the citizens by conducting a survey. For example, your organization’s core domain is to fight against child labor and bring these children out of the pathetic conditions they are working in.You might want to conduct a survey to know as to how many people support your cause. For example, you can text “Text ‘Save a child’ to 55999” to take part in the survey about eradicating child labor.

3. Conducting Events:
Nonprofit organizations can send messages to their respective donors about an upcoming event. This event can also act as a platform, wherein all the donors can come under one roof and socialize. This type of events can further help in conducting even more events with a bigger audience.

4. Send “Thank you” texts:
Nonprofit organizations who have received the donation from donors, should take the initiative to send them a complimentary message by thanking them for their worthwhile contribution. This will not only make the donors feel better, but at the same time also helps the organization to strengthen their relationship.

5. Invite Like-minded individuals: You can invite individuals to support your cause, by sending them keyword and a short code .You can also include the social cause for which your organization is actively working for. In this manner, you can grow your list of individuals (subscribers) who are interested to work for you.

Donors, sponsors, members, employees and volunteers who are connected with a particular charitable organization can always stay updated on upcoming events and activities through the effective utilization of mobile messaging. This in turn will improve the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Transportation and Logistics Industry are known to provide a myriad of services. Being one of the oldest industries, from the past many years, the methods of handling the management of Logistics has changed to some extent for good. Of the few marketing tactics involved in transportation and logistics industry, mobile messaging is one of the potent marketing tool that is being consistently used by this particular industry. This is simply because the results in terms of increased revenues over a period of time and enhanced customer relationship as well as customer engagement has been noticed.

Transportation and Logistics organizations mainly work for suppliers and vendors, and hence it is the responsibility of logistics firms to showcase the highlights of mobile messaging to their respective suppliers and vendors. If a proven and reliable mobile messaging based activity is being explained to key suppliers, then not only mobile messaging can be effectively utilized, but also the overall communication between suppliers, logistics staff members and end-users can be streamlined in a proper manner.

With the proper usage of mobile messaging, logistics firms can have complete control on the management. The key technical members of the particular logistics company can activate and deactivate users and monitor the entire messaging activities capably. There are a few ways as to how mobile messaging can be optimally used in Logistics. For example, there is a major traffic jam in a particular city where around ten consignments have to be delivered to the receiving parties, then the concerned team can send a SMS to these particular parties and inform them about the possible delay.

Delivery of goods requires a proper transportation strategy. Mobile messaging can be used as a cost-effective communication tool wherein the drivers and employees of the logistics companies can constantly interact without any hassle whatsoever. This improves the overall efficiency of the transportation activities, and if by chance any alerts (or) notifications have to be exchanged, then they (employees, drivers and contractors) can easily do so with the medium of text messaging.

Four key benefits of using Mobile messaging in transportation and Logistics Industry:

1. Manage your entire operations effectively:
You can integrate SMS into your key systems and so improve the operational efficiency. For better operations you can even send messages to your customers informing them well in advance about inventory shortages, reschedule of transportation, consignment delays etc.

2. Proper scheduling of your business activities: Through text messaging platform, schedule deliveries, new shipment tenders and other relevant activities can be easily communicated. The staff members can get regular updates about changes in shift timings through mobile messaging platform, so that they can accommodate themselves. With the help of two-way SMS, jobs can be assigned (through text messaging) to drivers wherein once they accept the job they have to reply back through a text message itself.

3. Maintain harmonious relationships with customers:
You can send relevant updates, order delivery status and timely delivery notifications to your customer base. You can even encourage customers to make timely payments through SMS billing reminders option.

4. SMS alerts: In Logistics sector, there is a great deal of stress on ‘timely deliveries’ as all the shipment from the supplier to the end user has to be delivered on time. But still, there might be many hurdles in between such as a major traffic jam, wherein the delivery can be postponed (or) a customer who is going to receive the order is out of office. In this case, timely SMS has to be sent to the delivery in-charge so that they can know about the changes and further do it as per the customer service representative’s instruction.

One of the key staff members in Logistics are undoubtedly drivers. A proper communication strategy has to be set in place, in order to update drivers on any issues. SMS alerts and notifications can be sent to drivers’ mobile phone as and when required. On the contrary, drivers on their convenience can respond.

There is a lot of hoopla going around that OTT (Over the Top) messaging will take over mobile messaging in the coming years, but that’s not true. There are quite a few studies that have been carried out to understand the business trends of OTT and Mobile messaging, and it’s quite clear that both the messaging mediums have got their own significance in the marketplace. There is no doubt that OTT messaging which includes WhatsApp, Facebook, WeChat, Viber etc., have made a huge impact in the global market. But that doesn’t mean that Mobile messaging doesn’t have its own importance in terms of customer acquisition and engagement.

3 strong reasons as to why OTT Messaging cannot take over Mobile messaging in the near future:

1. Companies rely on Mobile messaging: There are a massive number of companies who have experienced the power of A2P Messaging, in terms of reaching out to millions and that too with little cost spent on marketing related activities. Companies strongly believe in A2P Messaging, and how it has helped them improve their revenues over a period of time, and thereby improved their customer acquisition and engagement rates.

2. 2 Factor Authentication (2FA):
The real potential of Mobile messaging lies in providing 2 Factor Authentication. Companies have leveraged upon 2FA and thereby carried out their business activities in a better manner. 2FA builds credibility between the customer and the company thereby improving customer relations and enhancing customer engagement.

3. Developing and emerging markets should be taken into perspective:
The power of SMS can be experienced anywhere in the world, no matter how remote the location might be. But in the case of OTT messaging the same cannot be said, as they still doesn’t have a proper channel to reach emerging markets. Countries like Nigeria and Somalia can be taken into perspective, where though SMS has made its presence over the years, the same cannot be said about OTT messaging.

Another important aspect that can be taken into consideration is that most of the companies strongly rely on Mobile messaging for business communications, whereas when it comes to WhatsApp and Facebook which comes under OTT messaging, majority of the text messaging part is used for personal or informal purposes.

Businesses worldwide that have relied on Mobile messaging for brand building and customer engagement were around 19%, when compared to OTT services like WhatsApp and Facebook which stood at 1.4% and 2.1% respectively. Another key point is that in the case of OTT messaging, there has to be an internet connection, but when it comes to text messaging there is no need of internet connection.

You might know that not all regions across the globe have got internet connection. ‘Ubiquity’ and ‘Reliability’ are the two most important assets of SMS Messaging, because of which companies doesn’t want to switch to any other communication channel, thereby sticking to the traditional text messaging platform.


There will be around 2.19 billion OTT messaging users around the globe by 2019. When it comes to text messaging, around 52.5 trillion messages will be sent by the year 2020. This clearly shows that in the coming years, Mobile messaging will have its own unique presence worldwide.

The Hospitality sector revolves mostly on two important aspects and those are the quality of services and providing customer satisfaction.Any customer looking in for hospitality services will yearn to get the best quality of services, whether they want to book a hotel or go out for a vacation. On the contrary, the hotel employees can use the medium of text messaging to inform about hotel booking, Wi-Fi details and other essentials to their customers.

Hospitality sector has been impressed with mobile messaging platform in terms of stability and increased safety, and at the same time being an easy to use tool.

How can Hotels use the effective medium of mobile messaging?

1. Real-time guest interaction: Hotel staff members can interact with guests using SMS. If the guest has any query regarding specific requests, or may want to know more about the local attractions of that particular place, then the hotel staff can send text message to their guests providing them with all the updated information.
2. Using automated messages option: Hotels can also set up automated messages, so that they can send some kind of general information through text in certain scenarios. For suppose, if the room status is fine, then the hotel staff can send automatic text to their guests about the room availability status.
3. Sending text messages as and when required: In certain scenarios, the hotel staff can send prewritten messages about breakfast availability or any other aspect that is related to their guests. This will eventually save the time of the hotel staff.
4. Welcome messages: Welcome messages act as a sort of icebreaker between the hotel staff and the new guests. In fact, Welcome messages makes the guest feel that they are at home itself. This will add a personal tone to the guests and make them feel special. This in turn can improve the relationship between the hotel staff members and the new guests. A simple example could be ‘Welcome to Regal Hotel, Patrick, hope you will enjoy your stay with us.’
5. Reservation Confirmations: Another most important area where text messaging can be used is when the guest’s reservation has been confirmed. The concerned staff can send an SMS will all the necessary reservation confirmation details. This gives the guest a sense of relief, as they have received the SMS regarding their reservation, which has been successfully confirmed.

As per a study, around 82% hospitality based companies strongly feel that the mobile messaging platform can effectively contribute in the generation of revenues to a considerable extent.

There was a study done wherein a particular hotel divided its customer base into two, say Type-1 customers and Type-2 customers. Type-1 customers had full access to using the mobile messaging medium, whereas Type-2 customers were left as a control group. The findings were quite astonishing as Type-1 customers had seen a 20% hike in Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is basically a measurement tool to evaluate as to how much customers are satisfied with a particular type of service.


Interactive text messaging is another key aspect, wherein guests can provide not only their feedback, but interact on certain aspects, for which they might need some relevant information. Further, hotels can send discount related offers to their customers for particular holiday packages through text messaging medium.

As of today, A2P Messaging has made its huge impact on companies that were looking out for a cost-effective yet highly productive marketing tool that can majorly help them in their promotional activities. Companies who implemented the A2P messaging platform, has given a positive feedback in terms of both fulfilling the marketing activities and expectance for a decent ROI. Another major reason as to why more and more companies are opting for A2P Messaging is because it is very easy to deploy.

The market for A2P messaging was $12.9 billion in 2015 and it is going to eventually grow to a staggering $58.8 billion in the year 2020.Due to the grey-route messaging issues, mobile network operators were hesitant to go forward with A2P messaging platform, but A2P messaging setting up a huge value for itself in the Global market, has made the MNO’s think broadly. In 2015, only 15% of MNO’s invested in SMS revenue assurance platforms, but in 2020, the number will be going all the way up to an estimated 50%.

Through the revenue assurance platforms, the grey-route messaging will witness a steep decline from 65% in 2015 to 19% in 2020.

A2P Messaging rapidly grew from the year 2013, thereby increasing its relevance to an all new level. Companies are looking out for ways as to how best they can capitalize upon A2P Messaging and so increase their revenues, reduce costs and improve the market share along with adding in the flexibility factor. Companies are devising business models in order to productively utilize this efficient platform.

Another big aspect for successful implementation of A2P messaging is to have a proper network protection and security set in place. This ensures that there is transparency maintained, which means the companies will be able to know as to how many messages have been delivered with ease.

To implement A2P messaging in your business, you might consider following the points as mentioned below:

1. Build a database of your niche customers to whom you want to send the SMS.
2. Get to know how much the overall cost it is going to be, if you want to carry out entire SMS messaging campaign.
3. Develop persuasive content.
4. Finally, select a credible partner (aggregator) who has undertaken similar projects and has delivered it flawlessly.

Some of the areas where A2P messaging can be used:

1. two-factor authentication.
2. Alerts.
3. Reminders
4. Notifications.
5. Promotional offers, coupons etc.

A2P Messaging is gaining prominence because of the factors as mentioned below:

1. A2P messaging is a medium wherein network traffic can be maintained judiciously, which in turn can help generate decent profits.
2. Traditional communication mediums such as voice and P2P Messaging are losing their potential in terms of global implementation. On the contrary, companies worldwide are rather strongly considering to implement A2P Messaging. A huge number of companies are happy that they have used the medium of A2P Messaging as their marketing tool, which in turn has helped them grow their revenues.
3. The market for A2P messaging is going to grow by 36% on a year-on-year basis.

Some of the benefits of implementing A2P Messaging:

1. Through the efficient use of A2P Messaging, businesses can personalize their text messages. This means that messages can be tailored as per consumer needs.
2. There will be a high rate of customer engagement, as 98% of the text messages that are being received by the customers, are read within three minute of receiving it.
3. Grey-route messaging can be eliminated to a considerable extent.
4. A2P Messaging is such a medium wherein messages can be sent as and when required and that too swiftly and massively, to a vast number of customers.
5. Retail, finance/banking and travel industries in particular are showing a huge demand towards the use of A2P Messaging.
6. Lastly, the entire messaging process is carried out in a secured manner, thereby maintaining utmost security.

2FA (two-factor authentication) is basically adding a second layer of security to the user’s login credentials. The first factor being the user password. 2FA is used for security purposes, and hence strengthen the user’s security credentials. It is best used to avoid data breaches, so that any sort of fraudulent activities can be stopped. The second factor is basically a verification code that is being sent to user’s mobile phone, so that only the user can enter that particular verification code in order to benefit from the required service.

With hacking techniques such as phishing and keystroke logging being used by online attackers, only working out with a user’s password would prove ineffective. This inadvertently might affect your business, if suppose some sensitive company related information is being stolen. Hence two-factor authentication is gaining prominence, especially when it comes to implementing effective security standards.

In certain rare scenarios, even two-factor authentication has proved to be ineffective. For example, if a cyber-criminal is persistently searching for stealing information, and at last after lots of search, if by chance the cyber-criminal is able to recover the password database from the hard drive or any other storage means, the credibility of two factor authentication fails. In such circumstances, three-factor authentication comes into picture, wherein fingerprint scans, biometric access or voiceprints can be used.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has come out with new guidelines to implement two-factor authentication. NIST states that the passcodes shouldn’t be used in the case of 2FA for SMS messaging, or else some extra steps should be taken for security enhancement. The reason being attackers are coming up with advanced theft tactics by redirecting the messages using advanced techniques such as social engineering, virtual phone or network hack.

Two-factor authentication is still going strong in the market place as Google’s Gmail, dropbox, Evernote, PayPal and LinkedIn are constantly using the 2FA platform and have even applauded this platform. Though there is some negative criticism that has been received for implementing 2FA, but on the other end, most of the companies are instead asking to come out with necessary measures in order to stop attacks that arise from social engineering, phishing etc. rather than needlessly blaming the otherwise powerful 2FA medium. For example, in 2016, around 33% of mobile users were under phishing attack. Steps should be taken to completely uproot attacks arising from phishing, social engineering and other fraudulent tactics.

Four benefits of using two-factor authentication:

1. Considerable improvement in the security standards:
Through the 2FA platform, you as a user get a unique OTP (One time password) for carrying out the transaction or accessing your login credentials. This additional (second layer) factor of security has in turn improved the security standards to a huge degree.

2. Reduction in data related theft:
In the past few years, data theft has become a serious issue, and hence a lot many users lost some really worthwhile information. Once a hacker breaks into your account, then after anything is possible. On the contrary, proper implementation of 2FA will reduce data theft to a considerable extent, thereby assuring users for protecting their valuable data. Banks strongly consider to implement 2FA, and hence whenever you open your bank account, you have to undergo through the two-factor authentication phase.

3. Increase in productivity: Through the proper implementation of two-factor authentication, many companies are encouraging their employees to work remotely. Wherever the employee is located, the employee has to just enter the verification code that the company has sent. Once the code is entered, then the particular employee has full access to do the required company based tasks. Through this way, companies have seen a considerable rise in the productivity levels.

4. Cost reduction:
Those companies that are implementing 2FA, have seen a considerable reduction in their operational costs. Employees can easily access databases, web portals etc. from their respective devices. The only thing that companies must be careful of is to purchase the services from a reliable two-factor authentication provider.

The citizens of Middle East are optimistic about Mobile messaging. Many of the companies in Middle east who tried to tap in customers through the channel of Mobile marketing, has in return got some amazing results in terms of response rate. On the contrary, majority of the consumers in Middle East feel that they have no qualm at all with Mobile messaging.

Some of the studies that were conducted in Middle East said that consumers responded positively when text messages were sent to their mobile phone by the companies who wanted to sell their products or wanted to provide some exciting offers. The only point which consumers focused upon was that companies who wanted to promote or sell anything through the mobile messaging platform, should first ask for their permissions.

The revenue generated through mobile and smart phones in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will see a rise of 3.3%, thereby reaching to a staggering $59 billion (MENA region) in 2018.

When it comes to text messaging, UAE consumers alone use the text messaging platform twice as much compared to the global average.


Over the years, the market share for smartphones has raised tremendously in the Middle East. This clearly shows that the number of smart phone or mobile phone buyers in Middle East are increasing on a year-on-year basis.

Most of the restaurants in Middle East have relied upon Mobile messaging in order to not only be in touch with their customers, but also to provide them the best offers possible. Restaurants use the mobile messaging platform to send mobile coupons, advertise about their weekly special delicacies, special discounts and promote events that might interest customers to participate.

For example, When Pepsi wanted to enter the Saudi Arabia market to promote its beverages, an ad agency by the name of Impact proximity got tied-up with Pepsi in order to promote (Pepsi) in Saudi. Impact used the medium of Mobile messaging, and thereby send bulk SMS to a huge number of customers. A total of 1,25,000 Saudi customers were targeted, which means the text message was being sent to their respective mobile phones. Of the 1,25,000 Saudi customers, only seven text messages were bounced, which means Impact’s marketing tool was eventually a huge success. Lastly, the campaign that was carried out by Impact garnered rave reviews from Pepsi Company.

The entire campaign costed way too less, as the cost per message was only $0.08.


There was a study that was conducted in order to ascertain as to what the customers of Middle East most preferred to receive in their SMS? 46% customers showed interest in receiving some kind of rewards or discounts. Around 32% customers showed interest in receiving regular updates from the brands that were located in Middle East market. On the whole, many of the renowned companies in Middle East strongly consider that for the purpose of conducting mass marketing, text messaging is considered to be the best marketing tool.


Mobile communication has been and will be playing an integral part for the effective functioning of businesses, regardless of scale and domain. Many of the companies are strongly of the view that through the strategic and efficient usage of mobile communications, their productivity has grown to a considerable extent. Through this highly efficient platform, you can talk, send messages, send audio and video content, thereby helping businesses in improving their revenues, reducing their cost and lastly saving time and improving their communication channels.

Most of the organizations around the globe are happy about the fact that they have considered mobile marketing as one of their marketing tools. This platform has also reaped benefits in the form of revenues and improved communication both within the business among various staff members, and with their clients as well.

The number of Smartphone users will rise from 55% in 2016 all the way upto 76% in 2020. The numbers clearly show that organizations should gear up to strategically implement mobile communication activities into their core business areas, for gradual progression.


Lessening the communication gap: Businesses may be spread across various geographical areas, or might be having branches in a single city. In certain scenarios, organizations can span across countries as well. Whatever the scenario might be, through a proper mobile communication strategy, there can be a smooth flow of communication between employees, regardless of the place they are in. Whether it is a text message, video or talking directly through a mobile phone, the various levels of management, can function smoothly as all their communication related aspects can function smoothly, and so the overall efficiency of an organization as a whole can be maximized.

Another highpoint about mobile communications was the improved levels in employee engagement. There was a study done by a leading firm to understand as to how mobile communication can improvise the revenues of a general store. The study found some astonishing results, and that was with efficient mobile communications, there was higher employee engagement, which in turn improved the store’s performance. This means that for every percentage point boost in employee engagement, these independent general store’s saw an increase of $100,000 in operating income annually. This clearly shows that the ROI can be way too good using this particular medium.


Improved business operations: The mobile revolution has made businesses to function even faster, thereby saving time and cost. Every organization focuses on the cost factor, and the mobile communication platform has not only proved to be cost-effective time and again, but also has contributed greatly in optimizing the business operations.

Personal tone:Through the mobile marketing platform, you ensure that you send text messages to every customer of yours, which will have a personal tone, as you will have to address every customer personally. So, you treat your customers in a more dearly manner, which will sooner or later strengthen your relationship with your customers and thereby improve your customer base.

There are over a trillion SMSes that are being sent on a yearly basis. Around 95% customers open their text within three minutes of receiving the SMS. When it comes to phone calls and emails the respond rate is just 14% and 20% respectively. This itself shows the power of Mobile marketing.

Mobile and Website are closely interlinked: As per a research, around 60% of the web traffic comes through a mobile phone or smartphone. This means that 60% of smartphone users go through a particular website through their mobile device.


A Valuable marketing tool: For example, say beacons are being positioned in stores. Through mobile devices, Bluetooth is used in order to offer personalized discounts (beacons) to the mobile phones of customers.
One of the main aims of retailers is to know their customers well. Through the Bluetooth strategy, they are in a position to track customer movements and understand as to what are those products that they are buying on a continual basis. This will in turn help retailers to market even better, and position their products according to customer tastes and likes.

auto industry and messaging

The Automotive industry is colossal and has a huge presence worldwide. Not to mention the number of world-class vehicles that are manufactured by the automotive industry. As companies compete for greater market share and increased penetration, auto companies marketing budgets have shot up tremendously in the last 2 years as increasing regulatory issues continue to plague the industry not to mention the advent of alternate technologies like self driven car, electric and hybrid cars including fully autonomous vehicles (AVs), machines that can drive themselves anywhere, under any traffic and weather conditions, without a human ever having to take the wheel, a reality within a relatively short time, as little as five or 10 years.

That, in turn, would open huge new markets, it is hoped, as buyers — large fleets as well as individuals — flock to driverless vehicles and associated services.

However compared to other industries like retail, banking, and finance, the automotive sector has not yet warmed up to the concept of the mobile messaging platform as aggressively as its peers.However as the industry grapples with auto recalls and strict regulatory norms on emission, it’s only a matter of time when automobile industry embraces the power of SMS marketing.

Here are 5 ways how mobile messaging can be used in a powerful way across the automotive sector. One of the innovative ways to use this platform (mobile messaging) is for ‘pre-purchase phase’ and ‘post-purchase phase’.
Pre-purchase phase:
1. When you want to test drive a vehicle that you want to purchase: Here you can directly book an appointment with the car dealer by directly texting TEXT to book for a test drive.
2. To locate a particular dealer: If suppose you want to locate a dealer in a particular area then you can just text Volvo/Toyota/Honda, and get the required address of the dealer.
Post-purchase phase:
1. delivery status check: When you book a vehicle of your choice, there is a certain time period after which the vehicle will be delivered to you. The customer on the other end can check the status of the delivery by simple texting TEXT (booking receipt number).

Further scope for Automotive companies to use mobile messaging platform included but not limited to
Information on new vehicle launch 
• Inviting premium customers for a test drive.
• Sending customized greeting and festival related messages to the existing customers.
• Sending messages pertaining to service confirmation details.
• Safe driving tips to the existing customers.
• Alerts and reminders pertaining to EMI’s.
Among the Four factors that can positively empower mobile messaging in the automotive domain are driven by the following facts

1. Consumers are restless: This means that most of the consumers don’t have the time to listen or respond to any marketing activity that is time-consuming. On the contrary, Mobile messaging is fast, reliable, secure and easy to respond. Lastly, the time consumption is way too less compared to other marketing tactics.

2. SMS versus emails: The numbers clearly say that SMS marketing dominates e-mail marketing. Open rate for email marketing is just about 20 to 40% compared to SMS marketing which stands at a stunning 98% open rate. This means that around 98% customers read their respective SMS within ten minutes of receiving it.

3. SMS versus phone calls: There is no doubt that telecalling has got its own importance in the marketing domain, but when compared to SMS marketing, it ranks a distant low

4. The speed of SMS: SMS as a medium has the highest response time and recall value. 80% of SMS are seen and read within 180  seconds of the message being sent. Now compare that with emails and phone calls.How many of us respond to SMS in the same way we respond to mailers and personal calls. Latest data shows that emails are read every 6.5 hours, and when it comes to phone calls, customers don’t respond to certain numbers, if those very numbers are not listed in their call list.

For example, Ford Motor Company in order to increase the number of their prospective customers to buy the new ‘Taurus’ and ‘Escape’ models came up with a mobile call-to-action strategy. The SMS text was ‘For more information, text FORD to 63611’.What was really astonishing was that the prospective customers responded quickly and the conversion rate was 15.4%.

Like retail and healthcare sector, even financial sector has clearly understood the ubiquitous impact of the Mobile messaging platform. It is crystal clear that many industries are capitalizing upon the mobile marketing platform, which is not only easy to use, but also is cost-effective and secure at the same time.
Unlike other forms of marketing, Mobile marketing has got its own distinct advantage, which is basically low marketing costs.

How mobile messaging can benefit the financial services sector?

1. Streamlined client services: There are a huge number of customers who doesn’t have the time to call their respective financial service providers and ask for information because it’s a time consuming process. With the efficient use of the mobile messaging platform, customers can directly SMS their query to their accountants / financial consultants / financial planners / tax consultants and hence expect for a prompt reply.

2. A safe and secure authentication: Security plays a prominent role in the financial services sector. SMS ensures the authentication of transactions, as all the account updates, password resets, financial information etc., is exchanged in a secure manner.

3. Conducting customer surveys: Taking up the customer survey activity through the Bulk SMS platform is considered to be highly rewarding. Asking a question to the targeted customers will bring in huge response rates and thereby encourage for harmonious relationship with the customers.

4. Publicize urgent information: In certain scenarios, financial organizations might want to disseminate urgent information to their respective clients. It might be related to a sudden market development, alerts wherein customers have to respond to account updates etc.

5. Ease in mobile banking: Mobile marketing has come out with result oriented concepts, which has been integrated in the mobile banking platform. In fact, customers all over the globe are highly satisfied with the mobile banking platform, as it saves their time and helps them with their usual bank related activities. Customers can handle their bank accounts efficiently through the medium of mobile messaging.

Fraud is another big hassle in the financial services industry. To prevent fraud in the financial services industry, companies can engage in 2-factor authentication wherein they can send a one-time password (OTP) to their respective customer’s mobile phone. This in turn helps in preventing access to customer’s confidential information.
Through the Mobile marketing platform, the fraud issue can be stopped entirely. When SMS is sent to the customers, most of the customers read the text, which in turn helps in building customer engagement and loyalty, thereby eliminating fraud. In fact, in some peculiar scenarios, banks can alert their customers about a potential fraud that might take place with their respective bank accounts.

Around 80% of financial service organizations are using or are eagerly planning to use the Global SMS messaging solutions to build customer engagement. To top upon that, around 83% of financial service companies believe that the mobile messaging platform has a positive impact on their brand reputation.
88% of financial based companies believe that they are able to communicate with their customer’s effectively. 47% of financial service companies have stated that the mobile messaging platform is highly effective, when it comes to undertaking customer surveys.
